Quick start
Disputes (also known as chargebacks) occur when a cardholder wants to query a transaction on their card statement. The card schemes (Visa, MasterCard & JCB) provide a dispute process that allows transactions to be 'disputed' in cases of fraud, incorrect processing or unknown transactions.
The Disputes API is designed to make the complex disputes process flow easier for the consumer to understand the required responses expected by the card schemes.
The following endpoints are available today:
- List disputes retrieve all dispute cases
- Retrieve a single dispute retrieve details of an individual dispute
- Retrieve a dispute document pertaining to an individual dispute
- Execute an action against an individual dispute (accept, decline)
- Undo an action against an individual dispute
- Add a note to an existing individual dispute
Our Disputes API is designed to allow a customer retrieve, manage and respond to disputes. It supports
- requesting all and/or individual disputes details
- retrieve supporting documentation pertaining to the individual dispute
- action (accept or decline) each dispute throughout the life-cycle of the dispute
- upload evidence (tiff, tif, pdf, jpeg, jpg, doc or docx format) when declining a dispute
- undo an action (response) where permitted
Make your first API call
Prereqs - ensure the following has been completed:
- Completed the general Getting started guide
- Review the sandbox details below
Please note that in order to use the full feature-set of these APIs in production you must;
- Have an approved production API Key
- Be onboarded as a Fiserv customer
The disputes sandbox contains some mocked data to reflect:
- Sample list of disputes
- Retrieve a single dispute from the list by disputeId
- Retrieving a dispute document by disputeId
and documentId20220627739641
- Execute an action by disputeId
and eventIdTXN-20220602695615
- Undo an action by disputeId
and actionId040
- Add a note by disputeId
Updated 5 months ago