Besides the mandatory fields for a sale transaction, please provide the following fields for Mastercard MoneySend Funding or Visa Account Funding Transaction (AFT).

In order to use this special type of payment, your account must be enabled.

Field nameDescription
txntypeuse value 'sale'
businessApplicationIdentifierVisa Business Application Identifier
Note: If the brand (Visa or Mastercard) can't be identified before redirecting customer to the hosted payment page, then please include businessApplicationIdentifieras well as transactionTypeIdentifier
transactionTypeIdentifierMastercard Transaction Type Identifier
Note: If the brand (Visa or Mastercard) can't be identified before redirecting customer to the hosted payment page, then please include businessApplicationIdentifieras well as transactionTypeIdentifier
sdrNameName of the sender
sdrAccountAccount number of the sender
senderAccountTypeAccount type of the sender
E.g. 'IBAN'
sdrReferenceReference number of the sender
sdrAddrAddress of the sender
sdrCityCity of the sender
sdrStateState of the sender (ISO sub division code)
E.g. 'HE'
sdrCountryISO country code of the sender
E.g. 'DE' or 'DEU' for Germany
sdrZipZip code of the sender
sdrPhonePhone number of the sender
sdrBirthDateBirth date of the sender
receiverNameName of the receiver
rAccountNumberAccount number of the receiver
receiverAccountTypeAccount type of the receiver
E.g. 'OTHER'
rReferenceNumberReference number of the receiver
receiverAddressAddress of the receiver
receiverCityCity of the receiver
receiverStateState of the receiver (ISO sub division code)
E.g. 'PRA'
receiverCountryISO country code of the receiver
E.g. 'DE' or 'DEU' for Germany
receiverZipZip code of the receiver
receiverPhonePhone number of the receiver
purposeOfPaymentCodePurpose of payment code. Only needed for special countries for Visa.

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