Gratuity (tip) and cashback

Purchase with Tip

Purchase with tip transactions must include optional elements Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/AmtGoodsAndSvcs and Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/Grtty together with the mandatory amount element Tx/TxDtls/TtlAmt. The total amount element must be the sum of Amount Goods and Services and Gratuity. For DCC transactions, the total amount has to be expressed in cardholder billing currency, the detailed amounts (Goods and Services and Gratuity) have to be expressed in the merchant's currency.

Purchase with Cashback

Purchase with cashback transactions must include optional elements Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/AmtGoodsAndSvcs and Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/CshBck together with the mandatory amount element Tx/TxDtls/TtlAmt. The total amount element must be the sum of Amount Goods and Services and CashBack. For DCC transactions, the total amount has to be expressed in cardholder billing currency, the detailed amounts (Goods and Services and Cashback) have to be expressed in the merchant's currency.

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