Quick start
In development
Our Financial Adjustment API is currently in development and specification is subject to change. If you are interested in using this solution or would like to provide feedback on the API design, please contact us via our support page
Financial Adjustment API enables acquirers and payment facilitators to submit, view, modify and cancel fees/adjustments to merchant accounts to be considered on the merchant payment or collection.
The following endpoints are available today:
- Create financial adjustment create an adjustment to merchant accounts to be considered on the merchant payment or collection
- Update financial adjustment modify financial adjustment that is staged but has not yet been processed
- Cancel financial adjustment cancel financial adjustment that is staged but has not yet been processed
- View financial adjustment view financial adjustments that are staged
- View reference data view the pre-defined reference data for an acquirer that is needed when creating or modifying the adjustment.
Make your first API call
To access Financial Adjustment API, the Acquirer should pre-exists within Fiserv OmniPay platform under specific institution, also merchants should have been onboarded under this institution with respective merchant accounts setup.
1. Sign up for the Bearer Token (Api-Key)
If you want to try out the Fiserv OmniPay Financial Adjustment API, follow the below steps:
- Contact the Fiserv OmniPay Programme Office for your institution to have the project raised.
- Register in Fiserv Developer Portal Getting started guide
- After registration and request for 'create new key', it will go to Fiserv Developer Portal review and approval.
- Fiserv Developer Portal contact Fiserv OmniPay and determine the parameters to be setup for the Consumer App creation.
- Once determined, Fiserv Developer Portal will do required setup in Sandbox (UAT) environment for test, approve the 'create new key' request and provide a Api-Key. Then remaining steps mentioned in above link can be followed to start using the Fiserv OmniPay Financial Adjustment API.
- Once testing is completed, Consumer must provide sign off to Fiserv OmniPay project team and request for Production Api-key in Fiserv Developer Portal. Fiserv Developer Portal team creates APP in production and share the Api-Key. Consumer can start use the API in production.
Note that for production, seperate App will be created with different Api-Key once Consumer provides the Testing sign off.
2.Using the Bearer Token (Api-Key)
Bearer Token needs to be provided in each API call by consumer for authetication purpose.
Please note that in order to use the full feature-set of these APIs in production you must;
- Have an approved production API Key
- Be onboarded as a Fiserv customer
Updated 3 days ago