Return and Credit

The term 'credit' is used for a naked refund (i.e. a credit transaction without reference to an original transaction)

The term 'return' is used for a linked refund (partial or complete) with reference to an original sale

The below explains the special usage of some tags in case of refunds:

Hdr/MsgFctnUse value 'FAUQ'm
Tx/TxTpUse value 'RFND'm
Tx/TxId/TxRefReference-ID of transaction.
Used as trace-number, format 999999
Format: Max35Text
Tx/TxId/TxDtTmDate & time of transaction

Timestamps are expected to contain a timezone component.
It is even possible to send a timestamp without a timezone but in this case the Gateway will interpret the time in the timezone of the Gateway server (in EMEA instance this is ME[S]Z).

The recommended format is (using Java format rules):
Example: 2024-07-04T19:52:25.383+02:00”
Tx/OrgnlTxpresent in case of linked refundo
Tx/xDtls/Ccyneeds to be identical to Ccy of original transactionm

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