Search for list of funding rejects

How to retrieve a list of funding rejects

Retrieve a list of funding rejects for an existing merchant by making a GET API call to /funding-rejects endpoint in Funding Rejects API.

User will be able to filter the funding rejects using following query parameters by passing in API request for every GET API call to /funding-rejects endpoint:

fundingIdUnique system identifier of the record in system (Slip number of the original funding amount). If this parameter passed with valid funding ID then system return particular funding reject available with this funding ID.
merchantIdOur reference merchant number (external). If this parameter passed with valid existing merchant number then system return any funding rejects available only for this merchant.
limitNumber of funding rejects to be returned in a single GET API call. Can be used for page/offset or cursor based pagination. For example, if limit is passed as 100, then maximum of 100 available funding reject records will be returned starting from 'offset' parameter passed.
offsetStarting point to start retrieving the funding rejects record from. This can be used in conjuction with "limit" query parameter. Can be used for page/offset based pagination. For example, if offset is passed as 10, then first 10 funding rejects will be skipped and from 11th record will be returned.
If this parameter not passed then system consider default value as '0'.
rejectedAfterExtract funding rejects that were posted to merchant account after this date. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. Default: Date will be 'current institution posting date - 1' if this query parameter not provided.
rejectedBeforeExtract funding rejects that were posted to merchant account before this date. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. Default: Date will be current institution posting date if this query parameter not provided.
sortDefines how to sort the records that are returned. Must be specified in the syntax '+' (ascending) or '-' (descending) followed by the field name. Valid values: +posted for ascending and -posted for descending. Default: +posted
statusCurrent status of the fuding reject whether it has been funded to the merchant account or still rejected. If this parameter passed with valid funding reject status then only funding rejects with the provided status will be returned.

User will be able to view the following data for every GET API call to /funding-rejects endpoint:

ObjectField reference in API Response PayloadDescription
Merchant No.'id' under 'merchant' ObjectOur reference merchant number (external)
Merchant Name'tradeName' under 'merchant' objectMerchant trade name
Funding Reject ID'id' under 'object' ObjectSlip number of Funding Reject
Funding ID'fundingId' under 'originalPayment' ObjectSlip number of the original payment transaction
Funding Date'fundingDate' under 'originalPayment' ObjectThe date the original payment was posted on system that become rejected
Amount'amount' under 'originalPayment' ObjectValue of rejected merchant funds
Merchant Counter Bank Number'sortCode' under 'account' ObjectClearing number of the merchant's bank i.e. the sort code or BSB number (Australia)
Merchant Bank Account Number'accountNumber' under 'account' ObjectMerchant's bank account number
IBAN (International Bank Account Number)'iban' under 'account' ObjectInternational Bank Account Number (IBAN) is a series of alphanumeric characters that uniquely identifies a customer's account held at a bank anywhere in the world.
Account Currency'currencyCode' under 'account' ObjectCurrency of rejected merchant funds
Reason'reason' under 'object' ObjectThe reason for the rejected payment
Reprocessed Date'reprocessedDate' under 'object' ObjectDate when the rejected payment is resubmitted on funding file
Date'postedDate' under 'object' ObjectThe date the rejected payment is posted on the system
Last Updated By'lastUpdatedBy' under 'object' ObjectThe contact name of the user that last updated the funding reject (if not updated systemically)
Status'status' under 'object' ObjectThe current status of the funding reject

Below is a sample response:

// GET list of funding rejects
    "id": "12345678901",
    "reason": "01UAR0000No Sending Bank Info for pymt fmt (000) tran type (02) curr (CAD)",
    "reprocessedDate": "20200615",
    "posted": "20200615",
    "lastUpdatedBy": "John Smith",
    "status": "LOADED",
    "merchant": {
      "id": "0000075999959",
      "tradeName": "Insomnia"
    "originalPayment": {
      "fundingId": "12345678901",
      "funded": "20200615",
      "amount": "10.00"
    "account": {
      "sortCode": "13165987",
      "accountNumber": "ZZ999999999999999",
      "iban": "ZZ99999999999999999999",
      "currencyCode": "CAD"
    "id": "01234567890",
    "reason": "01UAR0000No Sending Bank Info for pymt fmt (000) tran type (02) curr (USD)",
    "reprocessedDate": "20200620",
    "posted": "20200620",
    "lastUpdatedBy": "Jane Doe",
    "status": "APPROVED",
    "merchantObject": {
      "id": "0000076543210",
      "tradeName": "Cafe"
    "originalPayment": {
      "fundingId": "12345678901",
      "funded": "20200620",
      "amount": "100.00"
    "account": {
      "sortCode": "1230456",
      "accountNumber": "ZZ999999999999999",
      "iban": "ZZ99999999999999999999",
      "currencyCode": "USD"

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