Currency Conversion


The two types of dynamic currency conversion requests that can be used via the APIs are defined, similar to transactions, via the requestType field:

  • DCCExchangeRateRequest - Use 'Dynamic Currency Conversion' to select the optimal currency conversion and apply that
  • DynamicPricingExchangeRateRequest - Request a listing of available exchange rates

Getting a DCC rate

The first step is to call the exchange-rates endpoint with one of the above requestType options.

// POST /exchange-rates
  "requestType": "DCCExchangeRateRequest",
  "baseAmount": "12.32",
  "bin": "411111" // <-- the bin here tells us which currency is used
  "clientRequestId": "30dd879c-ee2f-11db-8314-0800200c9a66",
  "apiTraceId": "rrt-0bd552c12342d3448-b-ea-1142-12938318-7",
  "requestTime": 1592912760,
  "exchangeRateDetails": {
    "inquiryRateId": 49150, // <-- reference for later use in the transaction
    "foreignCurrency": "NOK",
    "foreignAmount": 130.33,
    "exchangeRate": 10.2968,
    "dccOffered": "true",
    "marginRatePercentage": "3",
    // ...
// POST /exchange-rates
  "requestType": "DynamicPricingExchangeRateRequest",
  "baseAmount": "12.32",
  "foreignCurrency": "USD"

Using the DCC rate

Using the inquiryRateId provided in the response (see the above example), we can supply this in a transaction request to utilise the given exchange rate. The value must be provided in the currencyConversion field object.

// POST /payments
  "requestType": "PaymentCardSaleTransaction",
  "transactionAmount": {
    "total": "130.33",
    "currency": "NOK"
  "paymentMethod": {
    "paymentCard": {
      "number": "5424180279791732",
      "securityCode": "977",
      "expiryDate": {
        "month": "12",
        "year": "24"
  "currencyConversion": {
    "conversionType": "Dcc",
    "inquiryRateId": "49150",
    "dccApplied": true

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