Custom Parameters

You can send up to 10 additional parameters as individual key-value pairs.

The values will be stored so that they can be returned in Inquiry Actions and be visible in the Virtual Terminal’s Order Details view.

Please refer to the element AdditionalRequestParamaters in the XSD file.

Additional parameters for Fraud Detect

In case you use the Fraud Detect product and want to pass mobile device details for the scoring, you need to pass these with the following parameter naming:

The following represents an example of a Sale transaction with Fraud Detect special custom parameters:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" 
xmlns:ipg="" xmlns:v1="">
            <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
                <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 9 items at this level-->
                <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->
									<v1:Name>Max Mustermann</v1:Name>
									<v1:Email>[email protected]</v1:Email>
									<v1:Name>Max Mustermann</v1:Name>
									<v1:Address1>407,Gilpin Drive</v1:Address1>
									<v1:Address2>407,Gilpin Drive2</v1:Address2>

In case you want to pass other than mobile device details. You can do so, it is possible to pass i.e. also device intelligence details and more. As a reference please check this section where you can find further information: Fraud Detect

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