Dispute Stages
List of stages for a dispute. The codes below can be used to filter a List of disputes
Code | Description |
RRQ | Retrieval Request |
CBK1 | Dispute |
CBK2 | Dispute (2nd CBK) |
FFR | Fulfillment |
NFF | Nonfulfillment |
REP | Representment |
RDR | Rapid Dispute Resolution |
DRESP | Dispute Response |
CBKA | Dispute Accepted |
APARB | Allocation PreArbitration |
APARBR | Allocation PreArbitration Response |
APARBA | Allocation PreArbitration Response Accepted |
CPARB | Collaboration PreArbitration |
CPARBR | Collaboration PreArbitration Response |
AARB | Allocation Arbitration |
AARBR | Allocation Arbitration Response |
CARB | Collaboration Arbitration |
CARBR | Collaboration Arbitration Response |
PCOMPL | PreCompliance |
PCOMPLR | PreCompliance Response |
COMPL | Compliance |
COMPLR | Compliance Response |
RRQE | Retrieval Request Expired |
CBK1E | Dispute Expired |
CBK2E | Dispute (2nd CBK) Expired |
APARBRE | Allocation PreArbitration Response Expired |
CPARBE | Collaboration PreArbitration Expired |
CARBE | Collaboration Arbitration Expired |
PCOMPLE | PreCompliance Expired |
COMPLE | Compliance Expired |
MCMPARB | MCM PreArbitration |
MCMARB | MCM Arbitration |
MCMPCOMP | MCM PreCompliance |
MCMCOMP | MCM Compliance |
MCMPARBR | MCM PreArbitration Response |
MCMARBR | MCM Arbitration Response |
MCMPCOMPR | MCM PreCompliance Response |
MCMCOMPR | MCM Compliance Response |
Updated over 1 year ago