Magento v2 (Adobe Commerce)

The following page describes the necessary actions to use the Fiserv Checkout for Magento v2 plugin with an Adobe web shop.

You can find the plugin on the Adobe website here: Adobe Marketplace


  • PHP v8.1 and above
  • Magento Open Source 2.4 and above


Besides using the automatic installation procedure, you can alternatively install the plugin in a manual way.

Option 1: Manual installation via (s)FTP

You can manually install the plugin by uploading the ZIP file to the Magento environment using (s)FTP.

  1. Unzip plugin archive and move to Magento root directory
  2. Copy the unzipped release folder into: /app/code/Fiserv/Checkout

Option 2: Manual installation via Composer

Required: PHP, Composer

  1. Move to your Magento root directory
  2. Install plugin by running composer require fiserv-ipg/checkout

Enablement of plugin

After successful installation, enable the plugin in your Magento environment with these commands:

  1. Enable the plugin with the command:
    magento module:enable Fiserv_Checkout
  2. Apply changes to the Magento backend environment:
    magento setup:upgrade
    magento cache:flush


  1. Access Magento’s admin dashboard

  2. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods

  3. Scroll to section 'Other Payment Methods' to see 'Fiserv General Settings'. Enable your payment methods.

  4. Apply your API key and secret in the settings fields respectively. To get the API credentials proceed to the next step and follow the link below.

Get API Credentials

To acquire the API key and secret, create an account on the Developer Portal.

Copy and paste the acquired credentials into the ‘Settings’.

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