Debit Disbursement

The payment method specific fields to be considered:
(M)=Mandatory (O)=Optional

Field NameM/OSender Information (description)
sdrNameOCustomer’s name
sdrAccountOAccount number
sdrReferenceOReference number
sdrAddrOSender's address
sdrStateOState or Province
sdrZipOZIP code
sdrPhoneOSender's phone number
sdrBirthDateOSender's birth date

When building a request for Push transaction apart from the mandatory fields required for Credit transaction, you will also need to include some fields in your transaction request. Note that the possibility to send ‘credit’ using Hosted Payment Page interface is restricted and needs to be enabled for your store.

Field NameM/ODescription
bnameMCustomer's name
rAccountNumberOReceiver's account number
rReferenceNumberOReceiver's reference number

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