China domestic processing
Fiserv has partnered with Huifu, a payment provider in China, to offer the ability to route Chinese transactions and settle domestically in China.
This solution includes China UnionPay, Alipay and WeChat Pay with a redirection of the consumer to pages in Chinese language provided by the local partner.
The following represents an example of a transaction request with payment method “CUP Domestic”:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xmlns:ns4="" xmlns:ns2=""
The RedirectURL in the request is where Chinese platform (PNR) is going to redirect you to after the processing is done at their end.
Please note, that for payment method “CUP_domestic” the element ‘BankId’ is mandatory and the element ‘CustomerId’ is recommended to be submitted in case your consumer knows its value.
For payment method Alipay please use the elements AlipayTxType
AND AlipayDomesticInformation
For payment method WeChat please use the elements WeChatTxType
The following represents an example of a transaction response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><ipgapi:IPGApiOrderResponse
xmlns:ipgapi="" xmlns:a1=""
<ipgapi:ApprovalCode>?:waiting CHINAPNR</ipgapi:ApprovalCode>
<ipgapi:TDateFormatted>2019.10.29 18:33:53 (MEZ)</ipgapi:TDateFormatted>
The RedirectURL
in the IPG response is where you need to redirect your consumer so that they can continue with the transaction processing on PNR platform side.
Updated 6 months ago