General Message Layout
This section provides the list of elements supported in each message type. All of these XML tags are defined in nexo Acquirer v6 protocol (CAPE ACQ MDR and CAPE ACQ MUG). The description provided below should be used in conjunction with the nexo description of each tag.
The column 'Presence' shows 'm' for mandatory fields or 'o' for optional fields indicating if this tag is relevant for the business. This is limited to the relevant tags only. For more details consult NEXO XSD and NEXO Message Definition Report. In some rare cases you may find discrepancies about the presence of some fields.
Common elements
Tag | Description | Presence |
Hdr/PrtcolVrsn | Use '6.0'. Will be copied into response | m |
Hdr/XchgId | Id for this message defined by terminal vendor. Will be copied into response. | m |
Hdr/CreDtTm | When message was sent (in ISODateTime). Will be copied into response. | m |
Hdr/InitgPty/Id | Identifies sender (name of host or application). Will be copied into response. | m |
Hdr/RcptPty/Id | Identifies recipient. Use 'IPG' | o |
Envt/Acqrr/Id/Id | Id of the acquirer. Will be copied into response. For testing use '00001'. | o |
Envt/Acqrr/ParamsVrsn | Will be copied into response. | m |
Envt/Mrchnt/Id/Id | Card-brand specific Merchant ID. Needs to be populated by terminal with the same information as in EMV tag 9F16. | m |
Envt/Mrchnt/CmonNm | If sent, then the given merchant name and location that will be included in authorization message. Otherwise, our gateway will use the data from store configuration. Not applicable for AcceptorReconciliationRequest/Response | o |
Envt/POI/Id/Id | in standard case: Fiserv Terminal ID In Girocard case: Acquirer Terminal ID Will be shared by support team | m |
Envt/POI/Id/ShrtNm | Only present in case of Girocard case: Fiserv Terminal ID. Will be shared by support team. If it gets send for other brands than Girocard, then it must contain the same value as Envt/POI/Id/Id | c |
Envt/POI/GrpId | To be populated with the Gateway store ID. Will be shared by support team | m |
SctyTrlr/AuthntcdData | Message Authentication Value - May be disabled or set to optional in our gateway. If set to optional, then a message without MAC is accepted and the response doesn't contain a MAC either. | o |
AcceptorAuthorisationRequestV06 - caaa.001.001.06
Tag | Description | Presence |
Hdr/MsgFctn | Identifies the type of transaction. AUTQ for Pre-authorization, Card validity check, Balance Enquiry FAUQ for Payments | m |
Hdr/RcptPty/RmotAccs/AccsCd | One-time code. Currently only used for BLIK payments | o |
Envt/Mrchnt/LctnCtgy | Use value 'NMDC' in case the address is a service location (as needed due to Mastercard mandate AN6022). Otherwise, use value 'FIXD' or don't send this element at all | o |
Envt/Mrchnt/LctnAndCtct/PstlAdr/... | .../AdrLine street house-number,city,zip-code or house-number,street,city,zip-code Mapped to below values, if //AdrLine are not given. or .../StrtNm .../BldgNb .../TwnNm .../PstCd .../Ctry (mandatory if 'PstlAdr' element is present) .../AddtlCtctInf | o |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/CardRdngCpblties | For terminals supporting contactless single-tap PIN requests, include one additional occurrence with value "OTHR". nexo does not support a dedicated value for this capability yet, but it is expected to be added to future releases. | o |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/CrdhldrVrfctnCpblties | See NEXO MDR | |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/OnLineCpblties | See NEXO MDR | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/Tp | Only components with type "TERM" and "DVCE" are evaluated. | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/Id/SrlNb | Terminal serial number | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/StdCmplc/Issr | Only standard compliance entries with Issr=GBIC are evaluated. | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/StdCmplc/Id | Terminal approval number Used for GIRO-Card transactions. | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/CnttTp | EVLP | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/... EnvlpdData/Rcpt/KEK | See Protected card data | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/... EnvlpdData/NcrptdCntt | See Protected card data | o |
Envt/Card/IssrBIN | Only needed for AccptrCcyConvsReq | o |
Envt/Card/CardCtryCd | ISO 3166 – 1, alphanumeric or numeric | o |
Envt/Card/CardCcyCd | ISO 3166 – 1, alphanumeric or numeric | o |
Envt/Card/CardPdctPrfl | Defines a category of cards grouped together for reconciliation. Mandatory in transactions that are relevant for reconciliation. Filled with "Card Brand" and not with the actual card product profile as defined in nexo IS in order to allow grouping by brand. | o |
Envt/Card/CardBrnd | Contains brand of the card with one of: A-Amex B-BCMC C-Carte Bancaire (France) CONECS - Conecs lunch card (France) D-Diners E-Maestro F-EFTPOS (Australia) G-Giro J-JCB K – BLIK (Poland) L-ELV (Germany) M-Mastercard MOBILEPAY - MobilePay N-VISA Electron P-VPAY SWISH - Swish U-UPI V-Visa VIPPS - Vipps X-Flexecash | m |
Envt/Card/PmtAcctRef | Token value. Only used when payment is initiated with Token number (manually read or received from ECR) instead of card data. Other Card subfields must not be present in this case. | o |
Envt/PmtTkn/TknRqstr/PrvdrId | Identifies the provider of the token: IPG, IPGTA. Not required in request message. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/Authntcn/AuthntcnMtd | Only the following values will be considered by our gateway: NPIN (Online PIN) CSCV , Verification of Card Security Code (represents CVD used in MOTO (applicable for Telephone Order) transaction). For more details about MOTO please refer to Mobile orders and telephones orders (MOTO) | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/Authntcn/... CrdhldrOnLinePIN/NcrptdPINBlck | See chapter 'PIN block encryption' | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/Authntcn/... CrdhldrOnLinePIN/PINFrmt | See chapter 'PIN block encryption' | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/BllgAdr/AdrLine | Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. This field and other elements under BllgAdr are required in case cardholder address shall be passed to issuer for validation. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/BllgAdr/PstCd | Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/BllgAdr/TwnNm | Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/BllgAdr/Ctry | Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/TxVrfctnRslt/Mtd | Possible values that indicate the performed offline verification: FPIN PPSG CPSG | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/TxVrfctnRslt/Rslt | Only value 'SUCC' is considered | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CardPres | Card was (not) present | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CrdhldrPres | Cardholder was (not) present | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/AttndncCntxt | Merchant was (not) present. | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CardDataNtryMd | For Payment with Token - CDFL. For other payments, value indicates the entry mode of the card data (TAGC, PHYS, BRCD, MGST, CICC, DFLE, CTLS, ECTL) | m |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/FllbckInd | Indicates a problem with the chip FFLB - FallbackAfterFailure SFLB - FallbackAfterSuccess NFLB - NoFallback | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/TxChanl | Type of the communication channels used by the cardholder to the acceptor system. Only below values will be considered: MAIL - Mail order TLPH -Telephone order | o |
Cntxt/SaleCntxt/SaleID | Identification of the sale system. Should not be populated on stand-alone terminals, only on terminals integrated with sale systems. | o |
Cntxt/SaleCntxt/SaleRefNb | Transaction identifier assigned by the sale system. Referred to as Merchant Reference 1. Maximum size 15. | o |
Cntxt/SaleCntxt/CshrId | Identification of the cashier who initiated the transaction on the sale system. Should not be populated on stand-alone terminals, only on terminals integrated with sale systems. | o |
Tx/TxCaptr | TRUE, for 'SALE' FALSE, for Reservations, Balance Enquiry, Card Validity Check | m |
Tx/TxTp | BALC - Balance Enquiry CRDP - Card payment DEFR - Deferred Payment RESA - Reservation RFND - Refund VALC - Validity check | m |
Tx/AddtlSvc | GRTT - Gratuity RECP - Recurring Payment DCCV - DCC CSHB - CashBack NRES - No-show | o |
Tx/SvcAttr | FREC - First Recurring (Value required when Tx/AddtlSvc is RECP) IRES - Initial reservateion (Value required when Tx/AddtlSvc is RESA ) URES - Update reservation (Value required when Tx/AddtlSvc is RESA ) | o |
Tx/MrchntCtgyCd | Merchant category code | m |
Tx/SaleRefId | Required in Pre-authorization messages (initial and update). IPG will ignore the value and generate its own pre-authorization ID which will be returned in the same tag and also in RcptTxId. | o |
Tx/TxId/TxRef | Reference-ID of transaction. Used as trace-number, format 999999 Format: Max6Numeric Other length: e.g. for pre-authorizations done with an alternative payment method (APM): 35 digits or 12 digits with leading zeroes | m |
Tx/TxId/TxDtTm | Date & time of transaction Timestamps are expected to contain a timezone component. It is even possible to send a timestamp without a timezone but in this case the Gateway will interpret the time in the timezone of the Gateway server (in EMEA instance this is ME[S]Z). The recommended format is (using Java format rules): yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX Example: 2024-07-04T19:52:25.383+02:00” | m |
Tx/InitrTxId | Merchant Reference 1. | o |
Tx/RcncltnId | Reconciliation ID, this transaction belongs to. | m |
Tx/AddtlTxData | Possible values (all transaction types): /exceptioncode/Emergency1 /exceptioncode/Emergency2 /request/token /request/ELVMerchantForced if Merchant forced ELV transaction (Limit Override) For transaction type VALC - Validity check: /request/token /request/tokenOnly (no card validation is done) For second submission of single-tap transaction with PIN data (PSD2 SCA requirements): /request/ContactlessSingleTapPIN For BLIK trx or any other trx that require the entry of a one time code (OTC): /request/OTCEntryMode/01 - if code was manually entered by merchant on POS device /request/OTCEntryMode/02 - if code was manually entered by cardholder on PED device /request/OTCEntryMode/03 - if code was sent to terminal via NFC For deferred authorization: /DeferredAuth | o |
Tx/TxDtls/TtlAmt | Total amount in merchant currency. DCC: Total amount in target currency (copied from dcc_response.Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/RsltgAmt) | m |
Tx/TxDtls/AmtQlfr | INCR - Incremental amount for reservation DECR - Decremental amount for reservation RESD - total reserved amount | o |
Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/... AmtGoodsAndSvcs | Amount of purchased goods or services. Should only be included when it is different than the total amount. If Gratuity or Cashback is given, it must be present. DCC: amount inmerchant (source/original) currency. If DCC was accepted this is not in the same currency as TtlAmt. | c |
Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/Grtty | Gratuity amount. Should only be included when gratuity (tip) is included in total amount. For DCC: amount in merchant (source/original) currency. If DCC was accepted this is not in the same currency as TtlAmt. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/CshBck | Cashback amount. For DCC: amount in merchant (source/original) currency. If DCC was accepted this is not in the same currency as TtlAmt. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/VldtyDt | Reservation validity date. Will be present in initial and update reservation. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/Ccy | Currency DCC: target currency Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/AlphaCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | m |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... AccptdByCrdhldr | DCC: If true, customer accepted and DCC should be applied. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/CcyConvsId | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/CcyConvsId from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/TrgtCcy/AlphaCd | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/AlphaCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/TrgtCcy/NmrcCd | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/NmrcCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/TrgtCcy/Dcml | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/Dcml from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/RsltgAmt | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/RsltgAmt from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/XchgRate | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/XchgRate from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/QtnDt | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/QtnDt from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/VldUntil | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/VldUntil from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/SrcCcy/AlphaCd | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/SrcCcy/AlphaCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/SrcCcy/NmrcCd | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/SrcCcy/NmrcCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/SrcCcy/Dcml | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/SrcCcy/Dcml from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/OrgnlAmt/ActlAmt | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/OrgnlAmt/ActlAmt from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/UattnddLvlCtgy | See | o |
Tx/TxDtls/AcctTp | Type of cardholder account used for the transaction. Values: CHCK, CRDT, CDBT, SVNG etc. (more possible values) In case of Default value, this tags will not be present. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/ICCRltdData | EMV-data according to EMVCo specification | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/ItmId | Identification of the item inside the purchase transaction. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctCd | Product code of the item. | |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/AddtlPdctCd | Additional product code related to the product | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/UnitOfMeasr | Unit of measure of the item purchased | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctQty | Product quantity | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/UnitPric | Price per unit of product. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/UnitPricSgn | Sign of the unit price. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctAmt | Monetary value of purchased product. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctAmtSgn | Sign of the product amount. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/ValAddedTax | Value added tax amount of the item included in the product amount. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/TaxTp | Information on tax paid on the product. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctDesc | Description of the product or item. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/DlvryLctn | Location of the delivery of the item, for instance pump number or parking bay. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/DlvrySvc | Identify the method of delivery or distribution of the item. | o |
Tx/MrchntRefData | Merchant Reference 2 | o |
AcceptorAuthorisationResponseV06 - caaa.002.001.06
Tag | Description | Presence |
Hdr/MsgFctn | Identifies the type of transaction. AUTQ for Pre-authorization, Card validity check, Balance Enquiry FAUQ for Payments | m |
Envt/Card/MskdPAN | Will only be present in balance enquiry response. | o |
Envt/Card/PmtAcctRef | This field will contain the generated token value corresponding to the card used in the request message. Field will be included in response when request message `Tx/AddtlTxData ´ contains value 'request/token'. | o |
Envt/PmtTkn/TknChrtc | If the token provided in Envt/Card/PmtAcctRef has an associated expiration date, it will be included in this field as 'YYMM' | o |
Tx/TxId/TxRef | Copied from request | m |
Tx/TxId/TxDtTm | Copied from request | m |
Tx/SaleRefId | Required in pre-authorization response messages. ID for this transaction generated by IPG. Will be used in subsequent related pre-authorization management transactions. Same value as in Tx/RcptTxId | o |
Tx/InitrTxId | Copied from request | o |
Tx/RcncltnId | Copied from request | m |
Tx/IntrchngData | Will contain a scheme assigned transaction ID (e.g. Banknet Reference Number or Visa TID) - not yet available | o |
Tx/RcptTxId | ID for this transaction generated by IPG. Will be used in subsequent related pre-authorization management transactions. Format: Max35Text For client (reseller) specific formatting: check with your client support contact | m |
Tx/TxDtls/Ccy | Copied from request | m |
Tx/TxDtls/TtlAmt | Copied from request | m |
Tx/TxDtls/VldtyDt | Reservation validity date. Will be present in initial reservation, update reservation and balance enquiry | o |
Tx/TxDtls/AcctTp | Type of cardholder account used for the transaction. Values: CHCK, CRDT, CDBT, SVNG etc. (more possible values) In case of Default value, this tags will not be present. | o |
Tx/ICCRltdData | EMV data from issuer response | o |
TxRspn/AuthstnRslt/... AuthstnNtty/Tp | Possible values: CISS or ITAG | m |
TxRspn/AuthstnRslt/... RspnToAuthstn/Rspn | APPR - approved DECL - declined PART - partially approved | m |
TxRspn/AuthstnRslt/... RspnToAuthstn/RspnRsn | result-code: Text | m |
TxRspn/AuthstnRslt/AuthstnCd | 6-digit authorization code | m |
TxRspn/AuthstnRslt/CmpltnReqrd | If true, a completion advice is required to complete the transaction. | m |
TrxRspn/AuthstnRslt/TMSTrggr | In case the terminal has to contact a Terminal Management System (TMS), this ID indicates which one. Currently no external TMS is referenced by the Gateway but this value is used to directly send configuration values back to the terminal. This is indicated by the special TMSId "DIRECT:key=value[;key=value]..." Possible keys are: STAN - Indicates the TxRef value which was used as trace-number (or System Trace Audit Number). This can occur if the trace number was too low and the Gateway replaced it (after requesting the expected value from the authorization system).So, the terminal should take this value as the last used value for TxRef. The next transaction should come with value increased by 1 or higher as TxRef. Important: To reference the current transaction, the terminal still has to send the TxRef used in the request. It must not used the changed value returned in 'STAN'. keyValidity - Indicates that a key related to this transaction is expired (value 'E') or will expire soon (value 'R'). The terminal should do an remote key injection as soon as possible. In case of 'R', a date when the key will expire is also returned (as contact date). | o |
TxRspn/TxVrfctnRslt/Mtd | ADDB - Cardholder billing address verification CSCV - Card Security Code (CVD) verification | o |
TxRspn/TxVrfctnRslt/Rslt | FAIL - Verification failed. MISS - Information required to perform the verification was missing. NOVF - Verification has not been performed. PART - Verification was partially successful. SUCC - Verification was successful. ERRR - Device or entity to perform the verification was unavailable | o |
TxRspn/Bal | Current reserved amount. Will only be included in approved Balance Enquiry responses. | o |
TxRspn/Actn/ActnTp | FLFW - Switch to Contact Chip PINR - Enter PIN and re-send transaction with PIN Data DISP - Message to display, print or log. | o |
TxRspn/Actn/MsgToPres/MsgDstn | Destination in case of ActnTp = DISP | o |
TxRspn/Actn/MsgToPres/MsgCntt | Message Content, which can be printed on receipt or displayed on terminal. | |
SctyTrlr/AuthntcdData | MAC . May be disabled or set to optional by a parameter. If set to optional, a message without MAC is accepted and the response will not contain a MAC. | o |
AcceptorCancellationAdviceV06 - caaa.007.001.06
Tag | Description | Presence |
Hdr/MsgFctn | Identifies the type of transaction. CCAQ | m |
Envt/Mrchnt/LctnCtgy | Use value 'NMDC' in case the address is a service location (as needed due to Mastercard mandate AN6022). Otherwise, use value 'FIXD' or don't send this element at all | o |
Envt/Mrchnt/LctnAndCtct/... PstlAdr/AdrLine | .../AdrLine street house-number,city,zip-code or house-number,street,city,zip-code Mapped to below values, if //AdrLine are not given. or .../StrtNm .../BldgNb .../TwnNm .../PstCd .../Ctry .../AddtlCtctInf | o |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/CardRdngCpblties | For terminals supporting contactless single-tap PIN requests, include one additional occurrence with value "OTHR". nexo does not support a dedicated value for this capability yet, but it is expected to be added to future releases. | o |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/OnLineCpblties | See NEXO MDR | o |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/CrdhldrVrfctnCpblties | See NEXO MDR | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/Tp | Only components with type "TERM" are evaluated. | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/Id/SrlNb | Terminal serial number | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/StdCmplc/Issr | Only standard complience entries with Issr=GBIC are evaluated. | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/StdCmplc/Id | Terminal approval number Used for GIRO-Card transactions. | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/CnttTp | Use value 'EVLP' | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/... EnvlpdData/Rcpt/KEK | `link to 'Encryption and MAC'ing' to be added | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/... EnvlpdData/NcrptdCntt | Contains encyrpted card data | o |
Envt/Card/PlainCardData/PAN | Contains card number in plain format, not to be used in productive environment | o |
Envt/Card/PlainCardData/CardSeqNb | Contains card sequence number in plain format, not to be used in productive environment | o |
Envt/Card/PlainCardData/XpryDt | Contains card expiry date in plain format, not to be used in productive environment | o |
Envt/Card/PlainCardData/Trck1 | Contains track 1 data in plain format, not to be used in productive environment | o |
Envt/Card/PlainCardData/Trck2 | Contains track 2 data in plain format, not to be used in productive environment | o |
Envt/Card/PlainCardData/Trck3 | Contains track 3 data in plain format, not to be used in productive environment | o |
Envt/Card/PmtAcctRef | TOKEN: Token value. This field is used to have the possibility to use tokens with length > 35 If this value is set, it is used instead of the card data | o |
Envt/Card/CardCtryCd | ISO 3166 – 1, alphanumeric or numeric | o |
Envt/Card/CardCcyCd | Currency code for card | o |
Envt/Card/CardPdctPrfl | Defines a category of cards grouped together for reconciliation. Mandatory in transactions that are relevant for reconciliation. Filled with "Card Brand" and not with the actual card product profile as defined in nexo IS in order to allow grouping by brand. | o |
Envt/Card/CardBrnd | Contains brand of the card with one of: A-Amex B-BCMC C-Carte Bancaire (France) CONECS - Conecs lunch card (France) D-Diners E-Maestro F-EFTPOS (Australia) G-Giro J-JCB K – BLIK (Poland) L-ELV (Germany) M-Mastercard MOBILEPAY - MobilePay N-VISA Electron P-VPAY SWISH - Swish U-UPI V-Visa VIPPS - Vipps X-Flexecash | m |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CardPres | Card was (not) present | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CrdhldrPres | Cardholder was (not) present | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/AttndncCntxt | See Unattended terminals | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CardDataNtryMd | For Payment with Token - CDFL. For other payments, value indicates the entry mode of the card data (TAGC, PHYS, BRCD, MGST, CICC, DFLE, CTLS, ECTL) | m |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/FllbckInd | Indicates a problem with the chip FFLB - FallbackAfterFailure SFLB - FallbackAfterSuccess NFLB - NoFallback | o |
Tx/MrchntCtgyCd | Merchant category code | m |
Tx/TxId/TxRef | Reference-ID of transaction. Used as trace-number, format 999999 Format: Max6Numeric Other length: e.g. for pre-authorizations done with an alternative payment method (APM): 35 digits or 12 digits with leading zeroes | m |
Tx/SaleRefId | Required in Cancellation of Completion. Can be used to reference the transaction to void. | o |
Tx/TxId/TxDtTm | Date & time of transaction Timestamps are expected to contain a timezone component. It is even possible to send a timestamp without a timezone but in this case the Gateway will interpret the time in the timezone of the Gateway server (in EMEA instance this is ME[S]Z). The recommended format is (using Java format rules): yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX Example: 2024-07-04T19:52:25.383+02:00” | m |
Tx/OrgnlTx | If given, subfields have to uniquely identify the referenced transaction. This field is the preferred way to reference the transaction to void, but if this is not possible the transaction may be referenced by the Tx/saleRefID or Tx/RcptTxId | o |
Tx/TxSucss | depending on NEXO case | o |
Tx/Rvsl | depending on NEXO case | o |
Tx/FailrRsn | If set, this transaction is handled as technical-void (auto-void) => mandatory for technical voids. In such a case the transaction must be sent directly after the transaction to void. Nevertheless you have to reference the transaction to void correctly. | o |
Tx/InitrTxId | Merchant Reference 1. | o |
Tx/RcptTxId | Receipient transaction ID. Can be used to reference the transaction to void. | o |
Tx/RcncltnId | Reconciliation ID, this transaction belongs to. | m |
Tx/AddtlTxData | /exceptioncode/Emergency1 /exceptioncode/Emergency2 /request/token /request/ELVMerchantForced if Merchant forced ELV transaction (Limit Override) For transaction type VALC - Validity check: /request/token /request/tokenOnly (no card validation is done) For second submission of single-tap transaction with PIN data (PSD2 SCA requirements): /request/ContactlessSingleTapPIN For BLIK trx or any other trx that require the entry of a one time code (OTC): /request/OTCEntryMode/01 - if code was manually entered by merchant on POS device /request/OTCEntryMode/02 - if code was manually entered by cardholder on PED device /request/OTCEntryMode/03 - if code was sent to terminal via NFC For deferred authorization: /DeferredAuth | o |
Tx/TxDtls/TtlAmt | Amount in currency DCC: Amount in target currency (copied from dcc_response.Tx/CcyConvsRslt/... ConvsDtls/RsltgAmt) | o |
Tx/TxDtls/Ccy | Currency DCC: target currency (copied from dcc_response.Tx/CcyConvsRslt/... ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/AlphaCd) | o |
Tx/TxDtls/AcctTp | Type of cardholder account used for the transaction. Values: CHCK, CRDT, CDBT, SVNG etc. (more possible values) In case of Default value, this tags will not be present. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/ICCRltdData | EMV-dat according to EMVCo spec | o |
SctyTrlr/AuthntcdData | MAC . May be disabled or set to optional by a parameter. If set to optional, a message without MAC is accepted and the response will not contain a MAC. | o |
AcceptorCancellationAdviceResponseV06- caaa.008.001.06
Tag | Description | Presence |
Hdr/MsgFctn | Identifies the type of transaction. | m |
Tx/TxId/TxRef | Copied from request | m |
Tx/TxId/TxDtTm | Copied from request | m |
Tx/InitrTxId | Copied from request | o |
Tx/RcncltnId | Copied from request | m |
Tx/RcptTxId | ID for this transaction generated by IPG. Will be used in subsequent related pre-authorization management transactions. Format: Max35Text For client (reseller) specific formatting: check with your client support contact | m |
Tx/Rspn | APPR - approved DECL - declined PART - partially approved | m |
SctyTrlr/AuthntcdData | MAC . May be disabled or set to optional by a parameter. If set to optional, a message without MAC is accepted and the response will not contain a MAC. | o |
AcceptorCompletionAdviceV06 - caaa.003.001.06
Tag | Description | Presence |
Hdr/MsgFctn | Identifies the type of transaction. AUTQ for Pre-authorization, Card validity check, Balance Enquiry FAUQ for Payments | m |
Hdr/RcptPty/RmotAccs/AccsCd | One-time code. Currently only used for BLIK payments | o |
Envt/Mrchnt/LctnCtgy | Use value 'NMDC' in case the address is a service location (as needed due to Mastercard mandate AN6022). Otherwise, use value 'FIXD' or don't send this element at all | o |
Envt/Mrchnt/LctnAndCtct/PstlAdr/... | .../AdrLine street house-number,city,zip-code or house-number,street,city,zip-code Mapped to below values, if //AdrLine are not given. or .../StrtNm .../BldgNb .../TwnNm .../PstCd .../Ctry .../AddtlCtctInf | o |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/CardRdngCpblties | For terminals supporting contactless single-tap PIN requests, include one additional occurrence with value "OTHR". nexo does not support a dedicated value for this capability yet, but it is expected to be added to future releases. | o |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/CrdhldrVrfctnCpblties | See NEXO MDR | |
Envt/POI/Cpblties/OnLineCpblties | See NEXO MDR | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/Tp | Only components with type "TERM" and "DVCE" are evaluated. | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/Id/SrlNb | Terminal serial number | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/StdCmplc/Issr | Only standard compliance entries with Issr=GBIC are evaluated. | o |
Envt/POI/Cmpnt/StdCmplc/Id | Terminal approval number Used for GIRO-Card transactions. | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/CnttTp | EVLP | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/... EnvlpdData/Rcpt/KEK | See Protected card data | o |
Envt/Card/PrtctdCardData/... EnvlpdData/NcrptdCntt | See Protected card data | o |
Envt/Card/IssrBIN | Only needed for AccptrCcyConvsReq | o |
Envt/Card/CardCtryCd | ISO 3166 – 1, alphanumeric or numeric Only needed in case of offline sale or credit transaction | o |
Envt/Card/CardCcyCd | ISO 3166 – 1, alphanumeric or numeric Only needed in case of offline sale or credit transaction | o |
Envt/Card/CardPdctPrfl | Defines a category of cards grouped together for reconciliation. Mandatory in transactions that are relevant for reconciliation. Filled with "Card Brand" and not with the actual card product profile as defined in nexo IS in order to allow grouping by brand. | o |
Envt/Card/CardBrnd | Contains brand of the card with one of: A-Amex B-BCMC C-Carte Bancaire (France) CONECS - Conecs lunch card (France) D-Diners E-Maestro F-EFTPOS (Australia) G-Giro J-JCB K – BLIK (Poland) L-ELV (Germany) M-Mastercard MOBILEPAY - MobilePay N-VISA Electron P-VPAY SWISH - Swish U-UPI V-Visa VIPPS - Vipps X-Flexecash | m |
Envt/Card/PmtAcctRef | Token value. Only used when payment is initiated with Token number (manually read or received from ECR) instead of card data. Other Card subfields must not be present in this case. Only needed for offline sale or credit transaction. | o |
Envt/PmtTkn/TknRqstr/PrvdrId | Identifies the provider of the token: IPG, IPGTA. Not required in request message. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/BllgAdr/AdrLine | Information that locates and identifies a specific address, as defined by postal services, presented in free format text. This field and other elements under BllgAdr are required in case cardholder address shall be passed to issuer for validation. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/BllgAdr/PstCd | Identifier consisting of a group of letters and/or numbers that is added to a postal address to assist the sorting of mail. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/BllgAdr/TwnNm | Name of a built-up area, with defined boundaries, and a local government. | o |
Envt/Crdhldr/BllgAdr/Ctry | Nation with its own government, occupying a particular territory. | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CardPres | Card was (not) present Default: true | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CrdhldrPres | Cardholder was (not) present Default: true | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/AttndncCntxt | See Unattended terminals | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/CardDataNtryMd | For Payment with Token - CDFL. For other payments, value indicates the entry mode of the card data (TAGC, PHYS, BRCD, MGST, CICC, DFLE, CTLS, ECTL) | m |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/FllbckInd | Indicates a problem with the chip FFLB - FallbackAfterFailure SFLB - FallbackAfterSuccess NFLB - NoFallback | o |
Cntxt/PmtCntxt/TxChanl | Type of the communication channels used by the cardholder to the acceptor system. Only below values will be considered: MAIL - Mail order TLPH -Telephone order | o |
Cntxt/SaleCntxt/SaleID | Identification of the sale system. Should not be populated on stand-alone terminals, only on terminals integrated with sale systems. | o |
Cntxt/SaleCntxt/SaleRefNb | Transaction identifier assigned by the sale system. Referred to as Merchant Reference 1. Maximum size 15. | o |
Cntxt/SaleCntxt/CshrId | Identification of the cashier who initiated the transaction on the sale system. Should not be populated on stand-alone terminals, only on terminals integrated with sale systems. | o |
Tx/TxCaptr | TRUE | m |
Tx/TxTp | BALC - Balance Enquiry CRDP - Card payment DEFR - Deferred Payment RESA - Reservation RFND - Refund VALC - Validity check | m |
Tx/MrchntCtgyCd | Merchant category code | m |
Tx/SaleRefId | Must contain the original pre-authorization ID (= RcptTxId from Acceptor Authorization Response) | o |
Tx/TxId/TxRef | Reference-ID of transaction. Used as trace-number, format 999999 Format: Max6Numeric Other length: e.g. for pre-authorizations done with an alternative payment method (APM): Max35Alpha-Numeric or 12 digits with leading zeroes | m |
Tx/TxId/TxDtTm | Date & time of transaction Timestamps are expected to contain a timezone component. It is even possible to send a timestamp without a timezone but in this case the Gateway will interpret the time in the timezone of the Gateway server (in EMEA instance this is ME[S]Z). The recommended format is (using Java format rules): yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX Example: 2024-07-04T19:52:25.383+02:00” | m |
Tx/OrgnlTx | Sub-elements must match the request and response elements of the original pre-authorization transaction. | m |
Tx/Rvsl | Set to "True" in Negative Completions (Automatic reversals) initiated by the POI after failed transactions. | o |
Tx/FailrRsn | Should be included in Negative Completions. Values defined in ISO CAPE. | o |
Tx/InitrTxId | Merchant Reference 1. | o |
Tx/RcncltnId | Reconciliation ID, this transaction belongs to. | m |
Tx/AddtlTxData | /request/ELVMerchantForced if Merchant forced ELV transaction (Limit Override) | o |
Tx/TxDtls/TtlAmt | Transaction Amount. For Payment Completion, the amount represents the completion amount (i.e. amount to be cleared). DCC: Amount in target currency (copied from dcc_response.Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/RsltgAmt) | m |
Tx/TxDtls/AmtQlfr | ACTL - Actual amount. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/AmtGoodsAndSvcs | Amount of purchased goods or services. Should only be included if it is different from the total amount. If Gratuity or Cashback is given, it must be present. For DCC: amount in merchant (source/original) currency. If DCC was accepted this is not in the same currency as TtlAmt . | c |
Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/Grtty | Gratuity amount. Should only be included when gratuity (tip) is included in total amount. For DCC: amount in merchant (source/original) currency. If DCC was accepted this is not in the same currency as TtlAmt . | o |
Tx/TxDtls/DtldAmt/CshBck | Cashback amount. For DCC: amount in merchant (source/original) currency. If DCC was accepted this is not in the same currency as TtlAmt . | o |
Tx/TxDtls/AcctTp | Type of cardholder account used for the transaction. Values: CHCK, CRDT, CDBT, SVNG etc. (more possible values) In case of Default value, this tags will not be present. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/VldtyDt | Reservation validity date. Will be present in initial and update reservation. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/Ccy | Currency DCC: target currency (copied from dcc_response.Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/AlphaCd) | m |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/ AccptdByCrdhldr | DCC: If true, customer accepted and DCC should be applied. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/CcyConvsId | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/CcyConvsId from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/TrgtCcy/AlphaCd | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/AlphaCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/TrgtCcy/NmrcCd | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/NmrcCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/TrgtCcy/Dcml | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/TrgtCcy/Dcml from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/RsltgAmt | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/RsltgAmt from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/XchgRate | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/XchgRate from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/QtnDt | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/QtnDt from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/VldUntil | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/VldUntil from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/SrcCcy/AlphaCd | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/SrcCcy/AlphaCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/SrcCcy/NmrcCd | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/SrcCcy/NmrcCd from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/SrcCcy/Dcml | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/SrcCcy/Dcml from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/CcyConvsRslt/... Convs/OrgnlAmt/ActlAmt | DCC: Copy of Tx/CcyConvsRslt/ConvsDtls/OrgnlAmt/ActlAmt from AcceptorCurrencyConversionResponse | o |
Tx/TxDtls/UattnddLvlCtgy | See Unattended terminals | o |
Tx/TxDtls/AcctTp | Type of cardholder account used for the transaction. Values: CHCK, CRDT, CDBT, SVNG etc. (more possible values) In case of Default value, this tags will not be present. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/ICCRltdData | EMV-dat according to EMVCo spec | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/ItmId | Identification of the item inside the purchase transaction. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctCd | Product code of the item. | |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/AddtlPdctCd | Additional product code related to the product | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/UnitOfMeasr | Unit of measure of the item purchased | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctQty | Product quantity | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/UnitPric | Price per unit of product. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/UnitPricSgn | Sign of the unit price. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctAmt | Monetary value of purchased product. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctAmtSgn | Sign of the product amount. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/ValAddedTax | Value added tax amount of the item included in the product amount. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/TaxTp | Information on tax paid on the product. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/PdctDesc | Description of the product or item. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/DlvryLctn | Location of the delivery of the item, for instance pump number or parking bay. | o |
Tx/TxDtls/SaleItm/DlvrySvc | Identify the method of delivery or distribution of the item. | o |
SctyTrlr/AuthntcdData | MAC . May be disabled or set to optional by a parameter configured in our gateway. If set to optional, a message without MAC is accepted and the response will not contain a MAC. | m |
AcceptorCompletionAdviceResponseV06 - caaa.004.001.06
Tag | Description | Presence |
Hdr/MsgFctn | Identifies the type of transaction. | m |
Envt/Card/PmtAcctRef | Value of token | o |
Tx/TxId/TxRef | Copied from request | m |
Tx/TxId/TxDtTm | Copied from request | m |
Tx/InitrTxId | Copied from request | o |
Tx/RcncltnId | Copied from request | m |
Tx/RcptTxId | ID for this transaction generated by IPG. Will be used in subsequent related pre-authorization management transactions. Format: Max35Text For client (reseller) specific formatting: check with your client support contact | m |
Tx/Rspn | APPR - approved DECL - declined PART - partially approved | m |
SctyTrlr/AuthntcdData | MAC . May be disabled or set to optional by a parameter. If set to optional, a message without MAC is accepted and the response will not contain a MAC. | o |
Possible use cases of Traceability element
GUID (Globally Unique Identifier)
Tag | Description | Presence |
Hdr/Tracblt/RlayId/Id | Identification of the entity. For use case 'GUID' use value 'GUID'. By default not required in the request. Only needed in cases where it's explicitly required by the terminal to generate the GUID | O |
Hdr/Tracblt/RlayId/Tp | Type of the identified entity. For use case 'GUID' use value 'ACCP'. By default not required in the request. Only needed in cases where it's explicitly required by the terminal to generate the GUID. | O |
Hdr/Tracblt/RlayId/ShrtNm | Name of the entitiy. Value will be GUID itself calculated by POI. By default not required in the request. Only needed in cases where it's explicitly required by the terminal to generate the GUID | O |
Hdr/Tracblt/TracDtTmIn | Date and time of incoming data exchange for relaying or processing. Required only when Traceability component is used in message. | O |
Hdr/Tracblt/TracDtTmOut | Date and time of outgoing data exchange for relaying or processing. Required only when Traceability component is used in message. | O |
Updated about 1 month ago