Industry Specific Data

If you are operating in a specific industry, then you can use the following objects from our RESTful payment API to transmit the the respective data. All objects are located under order.industrySpecificExtensions

Airline specific data

airline.passengerNameThe passenger name associated with the transaction.
airline.ticketNumberThe airline ticket number associated with the transaction.
airline.issuingCarrierThe carrier that issued the ticket.
airline.carrierNameThe carrier associated with the transaction.
airline.travelAgencyIataCodeThe IATA code associated with the travel agency.
airline.travelAgencyNameThe business name of the travel agency.
airline.airlinePlanNumberThe airline plan number associated with the transaction.
airline.airlineInvoiceNumberThe invoice number used by the airline.
airline.reservationSystemThe reservation system used to create the ticket.
airline.restrictedIf the transaction is associated with a restricted class fare.
airline.travelRouteArray containing up to 4 items that describe the route associated with the transaction.
travelRoute can contain the following elements:

- departureDate
- origin
- destination
- carrierCode
- serviceClass
- stopoverType
- fareBasisCode
- departureTax
- flightNumber
airline.relatedTicketNumberThe number of any other tickets associated with the transaction ticket.
airline.ancillaryServiceCategoryIdentify the purchase of ancillary goods or services with a false value. If this element is not provided, the transaction is assumed to be a purchase of an airline ticket.
airline.ticketPurchaseIdentifies if the transaction is a ticket purchase.

Please note that this data is only processed via specific authorisation platforms.

The following JSON document represents an example of an API request including airline addendum information:

    "storeId": "2209950005",
    "requestType": "PaymentCardPreAuthTransaction",
    "transactionOrigin": "ECOM",
    "transactionAmount": {
        "total": 10.24,
        "currency": "GBP"
    "merchantTransactionId": "TEST123",
    "paymentMethod": {
        "paymentCard": {
            "expiryDate": {
                "month": "12",
                "year": "28"
            "number": "542606******4979",
            "securityCode": "***",
            "cardholderName": "Name Surname"
    "order": {
        "billing": {
            "contact": {
                "phone": "5555555555",
                "email": "[email protected]"
            "address": {
                "address1": "123 Main St.",
                "city": "Sandy Springs",
                "region": "Georgia",
                "postalCode": "30303",
                "country": "CA"
            "firstName": "Name",
            "lastName": "Surname",
            "customerId": "1234567890",
            "birthDate": "1980-01-31"
        "shipping": {
            "contact": {
                "phone": "5555555555",
                "email": "[email protected]"
            "address": {
                "address1": "123 Main St.",
                "city": "Sandy Springs",
                "region": "Georgia",
                "postalCode": "30303",
                "country": "CA"
        "softDescriptor": {
            "dynamicMerchantName": "kdnkjwe"
        "industrySpecificExtensions": {
            "airline": {
                "passengerName": "Name Surname",
                "ticketNumber": "16482640263847",
                "issuingCarrier": "Carrier name",
                "travelAgencyIataCode": "0",
                "travelAgencyName": "Ticket agency",
                "airlineInvoiceNumber": "124ADO",
                "restricted": "false",
                "travelRoute": [
                        "departureDate": "2025-04-26",
                        "origin": "EDI",
                        "destination": "ALC",
                        "carrierCode": "LS",
                        "departureTax": "75",
                        "flightNumber": "775",
                        "serviceClass": "0",
                        "stopoverType": "DIRECT",
                        "fareBasisCode": "FPOLER123pmgwer"
        "ip": ""
    "type": "transactionResponse",
    "clientRequestId": "ed6d9067-0fe1-4251-8807-112067c6dfd3",
    "ipgTransactionId": "84439845411",
    "orderId": "R-d8fb4794-5ec5-4659-b7ff-7bfe1165372a",
    "transactionType": "PREAUTH",
    "paymentToken": {
        "reusable": true,
        "declineDuplicates": false,
        "brand": "MASTERCARD",
        "type": "PAYMENT_CARD"
    "transactionOrigin": "ECOM",
    "paymentMethodDetails": {
        "paymentCard": {
            "expiryDate": {
                "month": "12",
                "year": "2028"
            "bin": "542606",
            "last4": "4979",
            "brand": "MASTERCARD"
        "paymentMethodType": "PAYMENT_CARD",
        "paymentMethodBrand": "MASTERCARD"
    "country": "Germany",
    "terminalId": "80001078",
    "merchantId": "540436503883142",
    "merchantTransactionId": "abd",
    "transactionTime": 1742902101,
    "approvedAmount": {
        "total": 10.24,
        "currency": "GBP",
        "components": {
            "subtotal": 10.24
    "transactionAmount": {
        "total": 10.24,
        "currency": "GBP",
        "components": {
            "subtotal": 10.24
    "transactionStatus": "APPROVED",
    "approvalCode": "Y:196005:4439845411:PPXU:435041",
    "paymentAccountReferenceNumber": "5665ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY",
    "schemeTransactionId": "0325MCC817832",
    "processor": {
        "referenceNumber": "508411435041",
        "authorizationCode": "196005",
        "responseCode": "00",
        "responseMessage": "Function performed error-free",
        "avsResponse": {
            "streetMatch": "NO_INPUT_DATA",
            "postalCodeMatch": "NO_INPUT_DATA"
        "securityCodeResponse": "NOT_CERTIFIED",
        "paymentAccountReferenceNumber": "5665ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY",
        "taxRefundData": {}

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