Transactions initiated from POS device
Request types
For transactions initiated from a physical device (terminal) the following request types need to be used:
- PaymentTerminalSaleTransaction
- PaymentTerminalCreditTransaction,
- PaymentTerminalPreAuthTransaction
For secondary transactions such as linked refunds and reversals the standard primary request types have to be used.
Relevant elements
Transactions initiated from a physical device must contain additional data elements:
Element | Description | Presence |
posEntryMode | Actual method used to enter the cardholder account number and card expiration date. | Mandatory |
offlineVerificationMethod | The Offline verification Method indicates what method was successfully performed on the terminal to assess the authenticity of the cardholder at POS device. | Mandatory |
cardholderPresentIndicator | Indicates whether the cardholder is physically present or not present during the transaction. Default value: true | Optional |
cardPresentIndicator | Specifies if the actual payment card is present at the time of the transaction. This is typically used to differentiate between card-present and card-not-present transactions. Default value: true | Optional |
singleTapPinPerformed | Indicates if single Tap Pin was performed after scheme response. Default value false | Optional |
offlineIndicator | Specifies if the transaction was processed offline. Useful for situations where network connectivity is intermittent or unavailable. Default value | Optional |
onlineReason | The 'onlineReason' field within the 'terminalRequestData' object specifies the reason why a card-present transaction is being processed online. The values of this field assist the processing system in understanding why the transaction is not occurring offline (i.e., directly at the terminal), enabling more accurate transaction processing and risk assessment. | Optional |
attendanceContext | Specifies the attendance condition during the transaction - ATTENDED if the transaction was supervised by a staff member, Default value: ATTENDED | Optional |
emvData | Electronic Verification Method data. This field is mandatory if 'posEntryMode' is either 'contactless' or 'contact'. Required EMV tags can vary per scheme. Format: Base64 encode string. | Conditional |
approvalCode | If terminal has approved the transaction in offline mode, then 6-digit approval code (also known as authorization code) must be sent by the request. | Conditional |
Element | Description | Presence |
terminalProvider | The vendor that provided the terminal to merchant. | Mandatory |
serialNumber | The unique identifier assigned by the manufacturer to the POS device or terminal. | Mandatory |
softwareProvider | The entity that provides the software running on the POS device or terminal. | Optional |
softwareVersion | The version number of the software installed on the POS device or terminal. | Optional |
capabilities | see below | - |
model | The specific model or version of the POS device or terminal. | Mandatory |
Element | Description | Presence |
cardholderVerificationCapabilities | Specifies the different capabilities the point-of-sale (POS) device or terminal has for verifying a cardholder's authenticity. These capabilities include | Mandatory |
cardReadingCapabilities | Indicates the various methods by which the device can read card information | Mandatory |
terminalType | Indicates the type of the terminal based on its functionalities and usage | Optional |
pinCapability | Describes the capability of the device to accept PIN entry for transactions | Mandatory |
features | Additional features that are available on the used POS Device. More values to be added in the future. | Optional |
In case cardholder has authenticated himself via PIN and PIN should be checked by issuer, the following elements need to be sent.
Element | Description | Presence |
value | value of the Personal Iientification number of a card known by the cardholder. | Conditional |
formatCode | Format code of the used PIN, present if online PIN was used. Our gateway supports AES and TDES. | Conditional |
key | see key | - |
Key used for SRED and PIN data.
Element | Description | Presence |
index | In case of DUKPT, this field contains the KSN. There might be other key derivation algorithms not requiring an index. | Conditional |
name | Name of the used key | Conditional |
version | Version of the used key | Conditional |
derivationAlgo | Represents the algorithm used for key derivation. Possible values include 'DUKPT2009', which stands for the Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) algorithm as specified in ANSI X9.24-2009 Annex A, and 'AESDUKPT128ECB', representing the AES DUKPT ECB algorithm with a key length of 128 bits as defined in ANSI X9.24-3-2017 Annex. | Conditional |
encryptionAlgo | Applied encryption algorithm. | Conditional |
paymentCard (ref as PaymentCardWithTrackData)
This object encapsulates PaymentCard data and contanis track1, track2 and track3 data.
Eelement | Description | Presence |
number | Payment card number. Can also be an IBAN for Sepa Direct Debit transactions. | Mandatory |
expiryDate | Expiry date of the used card printed on the card. | Optional |
securityCode | Card verification value/number. | Optional |
brand | Brand of the useed card. Can be sent in case of dual branded card to determine the chosen brand | Optional |
bic | Bank identifier code (BIC) for Sepa Direct Debit. | Optional |
bankCode | Bank code for Sepa Direct Debit. | Optional |
cardFunction | Used to send the type of card such as CREDIT, DEBIT or PREPAID | Optional |
cardholderName | Name of the cardholder. Note - Only supported with request payload. | Optional |
bin | 6 or 8 digit Bank Identification Number of the used card (depending of the length of the card) | Optional |
last4 | The last 4 numbers of a payment card. | Optional |
One of:track1 track2 track3 | Contains the track of data encoded on the magnetic strip of the card. | Optional |
In case of a technical reversal (or auto void) terminal needs to include the reason for the reversal.
This reason can be sent in secondary transactions with request type 'VoidTransaction' and will get forwarded to the authorization system.
Element | Description | Presence |
reversalReason | Reason set by the terminal to cancel the referenced transaction. | Conditional |
Encryption of card data
For initial testing card data can be sent in clear format. But in general our gateway expects the card data and related elements such as track data or card expiry date to be encrypted.
In this context Fiserv will share one or more base derivation key(s) (BDK) and the respective key serial numbers (KSN) that can be used to derive the Initial PIN Encryption Key(s) (IPEK). These will be needed to derive a unique key per transaction (=DUKPT).
The data encapsulated under paymentCard
needs to be encrypted und put under the paymentCardProtected
elment in the payload:
Element | Description | Presence |
encryptedData | This field holds the encrypted information from the card, such as track1/2/3, card number, expiry date, card code, and/or the name of the cardholder. The data is encrypted and then transformed into a Base64-encoded string. Specifically, the plaintext card data is converted into a UTF-8 JSON block, padded according to the Padded80 standard, and then encrypted. The resultant encrypted data is encoded using Base64. The formula for this transformation is base64(encrypt(Padded80(UTF-8(json-block.plainCardData)))). | Mandatory (for PRODUCTION) |
key | See key | Mandatory (for PRODUCTION) |
Before encyrption
"paymentMethod": {
"paymentCard": {
"number": "4935460000000008",
"expiryDate": {
"month": "12",
"year": "24"
"securityCode": "123"
After encryption
"encryptedData": "x8/+EUJ+ZhzKDxDnakkdfOuVDxy8RpveqZNOcfYf/s0xEDLCpYwp8X0Yil034PJLRHV8LSVR2TOO50VK90Y3GjvT1nv9e6GqTBqxYiLg02FyD5sie4fZ0r3FTVlF7Gee",
"key": {
"derivationAlgo": "DUKPT2009",
"version": "20160913",
"encryptionAlgo": "AES128CBC",
"index": "EAEQEREBA4AADw==",
"name": "TotalTestKey"
As an additional security mechanism can be applied to authenticate the origin and nature of a message. To make use of this feature one additional header needs to be sent.
Format for the message authentication value (MAC
) of the complete payload follows this pattern:
<MAC>;<derivation algo>;<mac algo>;<key index>[;<key name>][;<key version>].
Derivation Algo: This refers to the algorithm used for key derivation. The options are 'DUKPT2009'
which represents the Derived Unique Key Per Transaction (DUKPT) algorithm, as defined by
ANSI X9.24-2009 Annex A, and 'AESDUKPT128ECB', which signifies the AES DUKPT ECB algorithm with a
key length of 128 bits, as defined in ANSI X9.24-3-2017 Annex.
Mac Algo: This points to the algorithm used for Message Authentication Code (MAC).
There are two options:
- 'RetailSHA256MAC' indicates the Retail-CBC-MAC using SHA-256 (Secure Hash standard)
and an ASN.1 Object Identifier: id-retail-cbc-mac-sha-256. - SHA256CMACwithAES128' represents the CMAC (Cipher-based Message Authentication Code) as defined by NIST 800-38B-May 2005. This option employs the Advanced Encryption Standard block cipher with a 128-bit
cryptographic key, as approved by FIPS 197 - November 6, 2001. The CMAC algorithm is computed on
the SHA-256 digest of the message.
The rest of the parameters include the 'key index', 'key name' (optional), and 'key version' (optional),
which are not specified here but contribute to the full formatting of the header parameter.
Response handling
For transactions initiated from a terminal the gateway sends the standardized responses.
In case of successful transaction (HTTP code 200) the response may include EMV data that was included by the issuer in the response.
Element | Description | Presence |
emvData | It includes the EMV data from the issuer response and it is Base64 encoded. Tags that will be mapped to the response (if present): 8A, issuerAuthorizationResponseCode8A 91, issuerAuthenticationData91 71, issuerScriptTemplate171 72, issuerScriptTemplate272 | Conditional |
Updated 11 months ago