Payment Types

This page details some of the common forms of payment which are referenced in many of our APIs.

There are many different forms of 'payment instrument'; the item or mechanism a party uses to pay another party. The main categories for these within our APIs are:

  • Card - a physical or digital card entity, these will sit under a 'card scheme' such as Visa and contain information like a card number and expiry date, the data required and stored in this case follows a specific set of rules
  • Cash - the old fashioned way, very little data about the instrument can be stored in this case
  • Alternative - an alternative form of payment, such as digit wallets like Google Pay or PayPal, or tokenised card data, the data stored here varies depending on the service used

Card Brands

See the following table for some detail on the combined set of card brands / schemes referenced across our APIs. Note that not all APIs will necessarily support all card schemes.

VISAVisaMost common card scheme supported almost everywhere
MCMasterCardSecond most common card scheme supported almost everywhere
MAESTROMaestroBrand of debit cards owned by Mastercard, will be phased out of use in Europe starting in 2023
CUPChina UnionPayNational bank card network in China
DINERSDiners ClubCard brand owned by Discover
JCBJCBInternation payment brand based in Japan, works with Discover and AMEX
AMEXAmerican ExpressClosed-loop payment scheme
PPPolcard PrepaidA type of prepaid card used in Poland
PRIVPrivate LabelA card that has been private labeled by another company, usually has another underlying scheme
CARTBLANCCarte BancaireLocal card network in France
GIROGiro CardLocal card network in Germany
PAGOPagoLocal card network in Italy
VPAYvPaySEPA debit card, often co-branded with local networks like Giro in Germany
RUPAYRuPayGlobal payment network primarily based in India

Alternative Payment Methods

Examples of alternative payment methods (sometimes abbreviated to APM's) are as follows:

BLIKblikMobile / instant payment system used in Poland
SEPADDSEPA Direct DebitAn instant payment solution following the SEPA Direct Debit mandate
ELVELV (Elektronisches Lastschriftverfahren)Electronic direct debit payment method that is supported by banks in Germany
POSTFINPostFinanceMost common alternative payment method in Switzerland
IDEALiDealOnline banking SEPA payment method
KLARNAKlarnaBuy-now-pay-later service
SOFORTSofortInstance payment solution
PAYPALPayPalMost widely used digital wallet
PBLPay-by-linkMethod used for providing payment links to customers for invoicing
VIPPVippsMobile payment method used in Norway
EASYCASHEasyCashMobile / digital wallet
MOBILEPAYMobile PayMobile / digital wallet
TWINTTWINTMobile / digital wallet
SWISH SwishMobile / digital wallet used in Sweden
ALIPAYAliPayMobile / digital wallet based in China
WECHATPAYWeChat PayMobile / digital wallet based in China

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