Quick start
Funding Rejects API allows customers to extract, review and update merchant funding instructions.
The following endpoints are available today:
- List funding rejects retrieve all funding rejects
- Update funding rejects modify funding rejects
Example of a funding reject process
- Funding file is sent to the acquirer
- The acquirer returns a file of rejected payments
- The acquirer reviews the reject reason and makes appropriate amendments to merchant details and changes status of an outstanding funding reject
- Once merchant is amended with the correct detail the status is set to 'Approved'
- The 'Approved' funding reject is picked up in the institutions next funding cycle, and is resent on the funding file to the acquirer to fund the merchant
- Funding rejects not 'Approved' can be changed to other statuses so that no further action is required
Make your first API call
Prereqs - ensure the following has been completed:
- Completed the general Getting started guide
Please note that in order to use the full feature-set of these APIs in production you must;
- Have an approved production API Key
- Be onboarded as a Fiserv customer
Updated 16 days ago