Sale and Preauthorisation

Choose the "New Sale"or "Preauthorisation" tile from the Virtual Terminal menu to process a debit charge to your customer’s card or bank account.

To process a "sale" or "preauthorisation" transaction, you must fill in all the required fields from the following sections. Then, fill in the additional fields as appropriate for your transaction.

All optional fields are indicated on each screen as you navigate through the wizard to complete the sale transaction for your customer.

Follow these steps to perform a sale or preauthorisation transaction.

Step 1 - Enter amount(s)

Detailed Fields Description

SubtotalMandatoryThe subtotal amount must be greater than or equal to zero.
CurrencyMandatoryIf you want to use another currency for the transaction than the displayed default currency, you can change it using the dropdown menu.
The number of decimal places allowed for each currency will be updated in the amount fields when you choose a different currency.
VATOptionalThere may be cases where you are doing international business where you need to charge a Value Added Tax (VAT), either in addition to or in lieu of the regular sales tax. If the Value Added Tax applies to your order, enter it here.
Delivery costOptionalIf there are delivery charges associated with this order, and, if you wish to track your delivery charges, enter the amount of the charge for shipping this order.
Total amountN/AAs you enter the subtotal, VAT and delivery amounts, the virtual terminal automatically calculates the total amount for you. The total amount will always equal the sum of the subtotal, delivery, and VAT amounts.
The total amount must be greater than zero in order to proceed. The Next button will be disabled unless there is a valid total amount.

Step 2 - Enter the order information

Detailed Fields Description

Order IDOptionalIf you want to assign an order ID, enter the order number in the Order ID field.
You must enter a unique ID for each order. If you are going to use this field on a regular basis, you should adopt an order ID generation procedure. If you choose not to assign an order ID, the system will automatically generate one for you.
Invoice numberOptionalIf there is an invoice number associated with this order, enter it in this field. You may have several transactions against the same invoice, hence you may use the same invoice number when processing more than one transaction, if needed.
Customer IDOptionalIf the customer has a unique customer ID, enter it in this field. This enables you to search for all transactions for a specific customer in your reports.
Notification languageN/AWhere you have the required permission, you may select a notification language from the Notification language dropdown menu.
Your customer will receive email notifications for the transaction in this selected language.
Billing detailsOptionalIf you need to capture the customer's billing details, enter these details such as Full name, Company name, Phone number, Billing email address and Postal address of your customer in the respective fields.
After you enter the billing details, select Accept to save. Select Update to modify any of these details.
Delivery detailsOptionalIf the delivery address for the order differs from the billing details, you can update the delivery details such as Full name, Phone number, Delivery email address and Postal address for shipping to your customer.
After you enter the delivery details, select Accept to save. Select Update to modify any of these details.
If billing and delivery details are the same, you can use the functioanlity 'Copy from billing address'.

Step 3 - Verify your order summary

After you entered the order information, billing and delivery address details, select "Next" to view the Order summary. Before you submit the payment details, you can verify the total amount, order details, billing and delivery details on the order summary page.

Select "Back" to change any of the information that needs to be corrected. Select "Go to payments" to view the payment options.

Step 4 - Process a payment method

Choose from one of the options to process the payment. The availability of the payment methods is dependent on the user permissions.

To learn more about the different payment methods please refer to this page.

Step 5 - Save token and check confirm page

After you have processed a payment, you will be directed to the transaction successful screen if the payment is successful.

If you chose to Save card details (Generate token), then the card token is displayed and you may copy this for future use.

Otherwise the transaction unsuccessful screen is displayed where you can view the transaction and the reason for its decline.

Select "Perform another sale or preauthorisation" on the screen to perform another transaction. Otherwise, select "Close" to return to the main Virtual Terminal menu.

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