Update an existing funding reject status
To update an existing funding reject, use PATCH API call to the /funding-rejects
Consumers must pass the following details in the PATCH API call to successfully identify the funding reject and update the funding reject status. The Funding ID can be extracted by making a GET API call to /funding-rejects
Object | Description | Note |
Funding ID | Slip number of the original payment | To be passed in the body of the request |
Status | Status to be updated on the funding reject | To be passed in the body of the request. To get list of valid funding statuses, make a GET call to Acquirer Profile API; reference-data endpoint with query parameter classification equal fundingRejectStatus. |
Funding rejects only occur where the merchant number is at billing level = 'true'
Any amendments to merchant details will need to be modified through the corresponding Merchant Maintenance API. Only once merchant information is corrected should the reject status be set to approved.
Funding rejects and reject statuses are institution specific and are available based on institution configuration
Below is a sample request:
curl --request PATCH \
--url https://localhost:8711/omnipay/funding/v1.0/funding-rejects \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'AppKey: ' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '[
"id": "12345678901",
"status": "APPROVED"
"id": "12345678902",
"status": "CHEQUE ISSUED"
Updated about 2 months ago