Reconciliation and Cutover
Reconciliation is the process of performing checks and balances of captured transactions between the Acceptor (terminal) and the Gateway for a given reconciliation period. The reconciliation process is performed by an administrative transaction exchange at the end of the reconciliation period (workday or work shift). The terminal accumulates total amounts for transactions performed during the current reconciliation period and includes them in the reconciliation request. The Gateway accumulates the total amounts in its own counters and compares them with the totals received from the terminal. Any difference in totals will be indicated in the reconciliation response message. Resolving the actual discrepancy is a separate process, outside the scope of the Acquirer protocol. Reconciliation is implemented in the nexo Acquirer protocol using AcceptorReconciliationRequest/AcceptorReconciliationResponse.
Totals are provided in the reconciliation message exchange as a list sections consisting of the following data elements under TxTtls
Tag | Description |
POIGrpId | This is the value of the Gateway Store ID |
CardPdctPrfl | Card Brand identifier: V-Visa, M-Mastercard, G-Giro, D-Diners, A-Amex, E-Maestro, L-ELV, P-VPAY, F-EFTPOS, B-BCMC, J-JCB, U-UPI, K – BLIK, VIPPS - Vipps, MOBILEPAY - MobilePay, SWISH - Swish |
TtlNb | Number of transactions |
CmltvAmt | cumulative amount of the transactions grouped under the current “Type” and “Subprofile” (expressed in merchant currency) Sections are grouped by Type and by Subprofile (card brand), i.e. there is a section for DEBIT – MasterCard, another section for CREDIT MasterCard, etc. |
The logic for grouping transactions under a specific type is below:
- Credit: Refund
- Debit: purchase (all types), completion
- Cancelled Credit: cancellation of Credit. Automatic reversal is not considered reversal.
- Cancelled Debit: cancellation of Debit. Automatic reversal is not considered reversal.
- Aborted: aborted before or after response from IPG
- Declined: declined response from IPG or declined by card
The following transactions are not counted for reconciliation purposes (all transactions that DO NOT result in a billing/funding):
- Diagnostic messages
- Reconciliation message
- Preauthorization, Update Pre-authorization, Cancel of Preauth
- Balance Inquiry (used for Pre-authorization transactions)
- DCC Rate Inquiry
- Card verification (Card Validity check)
Cutover (also referred to as "Cutoff") is the formal process of switching from the current to next terminal business day. nexo Acquirer protocol does not support a method for pure terminal cutover. Nevertheless, the Gateway can support the terminal cutover function by defining a cutover window for merchants that will require this functionality or it can be agreed that triggering a cutover is possible at any time. This functionality is limited to terminals that are connected to the German authorisation system through the Gateway. The usage must be agreed with the Gateway team.
In order to trigger the cutover in downstreaming system the reconciliation message has to include the parameter 'ClsPrd' = TRUE.
In this context the cutover can either be done on terminal level by including Envt/POIId/Id
in the reconciliation request or on Gateway store level by not sending the Envt/POIId/Id
Without agreement the reconcilaition message along with the parameter ClsPrd
with value 'True' will only close the reconciliation period.
Message Layout
AcceptorReconciliationRequestV06 - caaa.009.001.06
Tag | Description | Presence |
Tx/RcncltnTxId/TxRef | Reference-ID of transaction. Used as trace-number, format 999999 Format: Max6Numeric Other length: e.g. for preauthorisations done with an alternative payment method (APM): 35 digits or 12 digits with leading zeroes | m |
Tx/RcncltnTxId/TxDtTm | Copied from request | m |
Tx/RcncltnId | Copied from request | m |
Tx/TxTtls | List of reconciliation elements. At least one is returned in response. | m |
Tx/TxTtls/POIGrpId | To be populated with Gateway store ID | m |
Tx/TxTtls/CardPdctPrfl | Related to Envt/Card/CardPdctPrfl in AcceptorAuthorisationRequest, AcceptorAuthorisationAdvice, AcceptorCompletionAdvice. Required for grouping in the reconciliation report (which does not allow grouping by brand) should reflect the grouping that the terminals prints in its end of day receipt. | o |
Tx/TxTtls/Ccy | Currency | m |
Tx/TxTtls/Tp | Type of transaction (Credit (=credits to the customer), CreditReverse (=voids of credits), Debit (=normal payments), DebitReverse (=voids of normal payments), Decline, Failed): Differences in Decline and Failed do not cause a failure of the reconciliation. | m |
Tx/TxTtls/TtlNb | Number of transactions | m |
Tx/TxTtls/CmltvAmt | Amount | m |
SctyTrlr/AuthntcdData | MAC . May be disabled or set to optional by a parameter. If set to optional, a message without MAC is accepted and the response will not contain a MAC. | o |
AcceptorReconciliationResponseV05 - caaa.010.001.05
Tag | Description | Presence |
Tx/RcncltnTxId/TxRef | Reference-ID of transaction. Used as trace-number, format 999999 Format: Max6Numeric Other length: e.g. for pre-authorizations done with an alternative payment method (APM): 35 digits or 12 digits with leading zeroes | m |
Tx/RcncltnTxId/TxDtTm | Date & time of the reconciliation Timestamps are expected to contain a timezone component. It is even possible to send a timestamp without a timezone but in this case the Gateway will interpret the time in the timezone of the Gateway server (in EMEA instance this is ME[S]Z). The recommended format is (using Java format rules): yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX Example: 2024-07-04T19:52:25.383+02:00” | m |
Tx/RcncltnId | Reconciliation ID, this transaction belongs to. | m |
Tx/TxTtls | List of reconciliation elements. At least one is expected. | m |
Tx/TxTtls/POIGrpId | To be populated with the Gateway store ID | m |
Tx/TxTtls/CardPdctPrfl | Related to Envt/Card/CardPdctPrfl in AcceptorAuthorisationRequest, AcceptorAuthorisationAdvice, AcceptorCompletionAdvice. Required for grouping in the reconciliation report (which does not allow grouping by brand) should reflect the grouping that the terminals prints in its EoD. | o |
Tx/TxTtls/Ccy | Currency | m |
Tx/TxTtls/Tp | Type of transaction (Credit (=credits to the customer), CreditReverse (=voids of credits), Debit (=normal payments), DebitReverse (=voids of normal payments), Decline, Failed): Differences in Decline and Failed do not cause a failure of the reconciliation. | m |
Tx/TxTtls/TtlNb | Number of transactions | m |
Tx/TxTtls/CmltvAmt | Amount | m |
SctyTrlr/AuthntcdData | MAC . May be disabled or set to optional by a parameter. If set to optional, a message without MAC is accepted and the response will not contain a MAC. | o |
Updated about 2 months ago