Payment Facilitator

This guide includes fields for Payment Facilitator (PFAC) Single and Multi MID model, so that you can submit this data within the transaction request and you do not need to get all your sub-merchants boarded to our Gateway upfront.

Please note, that this implementation is not certified with all authorization protocols Gateway supports, please reach out to your support team to verify, if this functionality is available for you.

Transaction Initiated from Master-store

After your master-store (PFAC store) has been boarded as Single or Multi MID, you will be able to initiate a transaction including sub-merchant data without the need to store and board sub-merchant data in our Gateway.

The following XML document represents an example of a request including minimal set of elements:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">
									<ns3:Address1>Pr. Hendriklaan 26 II</ns3:Address1>
									<ns3:Zip>1075 BD</ns3:Zip>

The transaction will be flagged as PFAC transaction in certified authorisation protocols.

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