MCC Mandates

MCC 6012

If you are a UK 6012 merchant use the following parameters for your transaction request:

Field NameDescription
mcc6012BirthDayDate of birth in format
mcc6012AccountFirst6First 6 digits of recipient PAN (where the primary recipient account is a card)
mcc6012AccountLast4Last 4 digits of recipient PAN (where the primary recipient account is a card)
mcc6012AccountNumberRecipient account number (where the primary recipient account is not a card)
mcc6012ZipPost Code

MCC 6051 & 7299

If you are a UK 6051 and 7299 merchant, you can reuse the MCC 6012 parameters to send the optional data to be included in the authorization message. However, please note that you have to either populate all the parameters or none otherwise the transaction will be declined.

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