Execute an Action

Execute an Action against this Dispute

Generate message signature (v2)
Open Recipe


Execute an action

How execute an action works in practice:

  1. Search for disputes
  2. Retrieve a single dispute by ID
  3. Make note of the tcn value and the id for the dispute. You will need these both later
  4. Look through the events array to see which events have allowedActions
  5. Make a note of the code in the action you wish to perform. This code is required when using the Execute an Action endpoint
  6. Decide on the action you wish to perform and using the required data fields against that action create and send your Execute an Action endpoint request including the tcn and code you found earlier
# Execute an action request with some allowedActions referenced from single dispute response
curl --location --request POST '/disputes/{disputeId}/events/{eventId}/actions' \
--header 'Api-Key: ' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'code="086"' \
--form 'tcn="2345678"' \
--form 'evidence=@"evidence1.pdf"' \

# Execute an action request with many allowedActions referenced from a single dispute response
curl --location --request POST '/disputes/{disputeId}/events/{eventId}/actions' \
--header 'Api-Key: ' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'code="086"' \
--form 'tcn="2345678"' \
--form 'evidence=@"evidence1.pdf"' \
--form 'name="Ros Bennis"' \
--form 'address1="123 API Street"' \
--form 'address2="ABC Lane"' \
--form 'city="Oxford"' \
--form 'postalCode="GL4 8DL"' \
--form 'state="OX"' \
--form 'shippingCompanyName="Royal Mail"' \
--form 'trackingNumber="12345678"'
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!
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