Response Codes

During the payment process there are many response codes which either follow a common ISO standard, or are standards set by the card scheme or issuer. This page will explain what each of these codes is used for and possible examples.

Submission Component Specific Codes

Please select the submission component (inbound interface) relevant to you to see the list of specific response codes:

nexo Acquirer Protocol Response Codes

General Gateway Response Codes

General Response Codes

Authorization Platform (Host) Specific Codes

Please select the front end processor relevant to you to see the list of specific response codes:

Nashville Response Codes

OmniPay Response Codes

Base24 Argentina Response Codes

Base24 Brazil Response Codes

B24eps Response Codes

Base24 Mexico Response Codes

Galaxy Response Codes

MAS APACS Response Codes

Issuer Authorisation Response

When an authorisation is performed, the issuer will respond with a code which gives some context as to whether it was successful or not, and if not then why is was declined.

See the following table for a list of example response codes and the usage:

00Approved or completed successfully
01Refer to card issuer
02Refer to card issuer's special conditions
03Invalid merchant
04Pick-up card
05Do not honor
07Pick-up card, special condition
08Honour with identification
09Request in progress
10Approved for partial amount
11Approved (VIP)
12Invalid transaction
13Invalid amount
14Invalid card number (no such number)
15No such issuer
16Approved, update track 3
17Customer cancellation
18Customer dispute
19Re-enter transaction
20Invalid response
21No action taken
22Suspected malfunction
23Unacceptable transaction fee
24File update not supported by receiver
25Unable to locate record on file
26Duplicate file update record, old record replaced
27File update field edit error
28File update file locked out
29File update not successful, contact acquirer
30Format error
31Bank not supported by switch
32Completed partially
33Expired card - pick up
34Suspected fraud - pic up
35Card acceptor contact acquirer - pick up
36Restricted card - pick up
37Card acceptor call acquirer security - pick up
38Allowable PIN tries exceeded
39No credit account
40Requested function not supported
41Lost card - pick up
42No universal account
43Stolen card - pick-up
44No investment account
45-50Reserved for ISO use
51Insufficient funds
52No checking account
53No savings account
54Expired card
55Incorrect personal identification number
56No card record
57Transaction not permitted to cardholder
58Transaction not permitted to terminal
59Suspected fraud
60Card acceptor contact acquirer
61Exceeds withdrawal amount limit
62Restricted card
63Security violation
64Original amount incorrect
65Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit
66Card acceptor call acquirer's security department
67Hard capture (requires that card be picked up at ATM)
68Response received too late
69-74Reserved for ISO use
75Allowable number of PIN tries exceeded
76-89Reserved for private use
90Cutoff is in process (switch ending a day's business and starting the next. Transaction can be sent again in a few minutes)
91Issuer or switch is inoperative
92Financial institution or intermediate network facility cannot be found for routing
93Transaction cannot be completed. Violation of law
94Duplicate transmission
95Reconcile error
96System malfunction
97-99Reserved for national use
Zero A-9ZReserved for ISO use
A Zero-MZReserved for national use
N Zero-ZZReserved for private use

Address Verification Service (AVS)

Address verification service (commonly referred to as AVS) is a method of fraud prevention for card payments made via non-face-to-face channels like ecommerce. The service aims to ensure that the address provided matches the cardholder's address.

AVS is used primarily in the US, Canada and the UK with limited support elsewhere.

A number of response codes can be returned which depend on the card schemes used. See the detail below:

CodeDescriptionApplicable Schemes
AStreet address matches, ZIP does notVisa, Mastercard, AMEX
BStreet address matches. Postal code not verified due to incompatible formatsVisa
CStreet address and postal code not verified due to incompatible formatsVisa
DStreet address and postal code both match (international-only)Visa
EInformation invalid or not allowed for this card typeVisa
FStreet address and postal code both match (UK-only)Visa
GNot verified for international transaction, or issuer does not support verificationVisa
INot verifiedVisa
MStreet address and postal code both match (international-only)Visa
NNeither street address or postal code matchesVisa, Mastercard, AMEX
OCard member name and street address matchAMEX
PPostal Code matches, street address unverifiable due to incompatible formats (international-only)Visa
RRetry due to system not being availableVisa, Mastercard, AMEX
SNot supported. If present, replaced with U (for domestic) or G (for international)Visa, Mastercard, AMEX
UAddress information is unavailableVisa, Mastercard, AMEX
W9-Digit ZIP matches, street address does notVisa, Mastercard, AMEX
Y9-Digit ZIP ands treet address both matchVisa, Mastercard, AMEX
X5-Digit ZIP and street address both matchVisa, Mastercard, AMEX
Z5-Digit ZIP matches, street address does notVisa, Mastercard, AMEX
0All the address information matchedMaestro
1None of the address information matchedMaestro
2Partial information matchMaestro
3No information providedMaestro

Results of address verification in REST API

postalCodeMatchY - Matched
N- Not matched
NO_INPUT_DATA - Postal code wasn't sent in request
NOT_CHECKED - Postal code wasn't checked
streetMatchY - Matched
N - Not matched
NO_INPUT_DATA - Street wasn't sent in request
NOT_CHECKED - Street wasn't checked
associationAvsResponsesee above table - colum 'code'

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