Debit Disbursement
Refer to the following information only when you are operating in the US and your store is enabled to allow credit transaction processing.
Debit Disbursement (Visa OCT, MasterCard MoneySend) allows businesses to disburse funds in real-time, directly to a debit card. Faster payouts can increase loyalty and satisfaction, reduce costs for businesses. The Debit Disbursement solution is cheaper, faster, more convenient and more traceable than traditional payment methods. It facilitates payments and transfers such as:
• Fund disbursements by e-commerce marketplaces
• Government disbursements (such as VAT refunds)
• Forex and binary option trade payouts
• Affiliate and contractor payouts
• Expense reimbursements
• Corporate and manufacturing rebates
• Insurance claims
The functionality for disbursements can be used with Direct Post and hosted payment page integrations. It is also available for REST API originated transactions.
The funding source may be a credit card, debit card, prepaid card, or bank account, but the receiving account must be a debit card. Note currently only Visa and MasterCard brand debit cards can be used as the recipient for debit disbursements.
For person-to-person payments (P2P) and Person to Person Bank Initiated (P2PBankInit), you must perform the operation as two individual transactions, one for funding (Pull transaction to debit funds from sender) and one for disbursement (Push transaction to receive funds by receiver).
Disbursement types supported:
• P2P - Person to Person
• P2PBankInit - Person to Person Bank Initiated
• MerchDisb - Merchant Disbursement
• FundsDisb - Funds Disbursement
• Pay Roll Pension Disbursement
• MerchInitMT - Money Transfer – Merch Initiate
Pull transactions for getting funds from the sender can be done using the transaction type ‘sale’, while Push transactions for the disbursement to the receiver using the transaction type ‘credit’.
When building a request for Pull transaction apart from the mandatory fields required for Sale transaction, you can also need to include some custom fields in your transaction request.
Hosted Payment Page integration
The payment method specific fields to be considered:
(M)=Mandatory (O)=Optional
Field Name | M/O | Sender Information (description) |
sdrName | O | Customer’s name |
sdrAccount | O | Account number |
sdrReference | O | Reference number |
sdrAddr | O | Sender's address |
sdrCity | O | City |
sdrState | O | State or Province |
sdrCountry | O | Country |
sdrZip | O | ZIP code |
sdrPhone | O | Sender's phone number |
sdrBirthDate | O | Sender's birth date |
When building a request for Push transaction apart from the mandatory fields required for Credit transaction, you will also need to include some fields in your transaction request. Note that the possibility to send ‘credit’ using Hosted Payment Page interface is restricted and needs to be enabled for your store.
Field Name | M/O | Description |
bname | M | Customer's name |
rAccountNumber | O | Receiver's account number |
rReferenceNumber | O | Receiver's reference number |
Updated 3 months ago