Our SCA Exemptions API provides the ability to assess whether an exemption can be applied to a ecommerce transaction before completing checkout. The following exemptions are covered by the API:
- Low value (Article 16) - LOV
- Recurring transaction (Article 14) - REC
- Merchant initiated transactions - MIT
- Transaction Risk Analysis (Article 18) - TRA
- One leg out (issuer/acquirer outside EEA) - EEA
The following features are available today:
- Evaluate transaction for SCA exemption
- Provide data for SCA exemption engine - this is used to data following a successful payment to help train the model for future exemption checks
Where to get started?
If this is your first time here, we recommend you do things in the following order:
- Follow our common getting started guide
- Follow the SCA exemptions quick start guide
- Dive into the API reference, such as for evaluate transaction for SCA exemption